HBC Summer Missions Team in Russia!

HBC Summer Missions Team in Russia!
Summer Camp Team!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

We did it!

Imagine this . . .
Beautiful log cabin
Fox and coyote hides on the wall
Wild boar’s head trophy on the wall
Dart board on the wall
Antlers for coat and towel racks
Table and benches made of logs
(Sounds like an Idaho cabin so far, right?)

On the table . . .
5 varieties of chips
Dried smoked fish
Deer jerky
Non-alcoholic beer (“kvas”)
(Still sounds like Idaho . . . )

Add in . . .
4 Russian pastors
1 American missionary
1 American pastor
1 American businessman
All wearing next to nothing

A 120 degree sauna room
Water to splash on the rocks to add humidity
Birch branches with leaves on them for slapping your skin while you sweat
10 minutes in the heat
Quick dip in the river
Sit, drink fluids, talk, eat
Repeat the cycle three times

That’s the Russian experience called Banya, and Todd and I have passed our initiation. I had to skip the river because of my shoulder and not wanting to navigate snow/ice but Todd did the full treatment. I stood outside and rubbed snow on me to cool off after the heat cycle. What I’ve been told is true . . . you feel really good after Banya. On my 11th visit to Russia I finally participated and now I wish I had done it sooner. No pictures–in this case what happens in Russia stays in Russia (except for descriptions on the internet!).


1 comment:

  1. LOL! I'm recalling Misha's description of why he didn't want to go to the banya. I'm glad you both passed this initiation into Russian culture! Jim, lots of friends here praying for you (and your shoulder)! Todd, congrats on getting Jenni's car running. (Was there a hair dryer involved?)
    LOVE reading the blogs! Thanks for keeping up and keeping us engaged!

