HBC Summer Missions Team in Russia!

HBC Summer Missions Team in Russia!
Summer Camp Team!

Friday, January 6, 2012


Merry Christmas Day! As we begin another day, you are getting ready for bed! Please go to sleep PRAYING! Today is the day that we go to the Goreloye orphanage. As you may remember, the Christians have been shut out from this orphanage by the new director. So, this is the first time in many months, that we will be able to go!
Pray for Jenni...this is her passion, and she is very sick. Pray that she will have the strength to go! Pray for the heart of the orphanage director...that she would see something in this Christmas program that would give her a desire to allow the Christians to resume their ministry at the orphanage. Jenni described this day like a test, but a test where we don't know the rules! The orphanage director will be watching and observing, but we don't know what she's watching for. She did ask Vadim to purchase a sofa and chair for the orphanage. (Another test!) This was good news to Vadim, because it meant that she is feeling around to possibly initiate a relationship with the church...anyway,this is a very sensitive situation. They are allowing us, the Americans, to go to the orphanage, but we will not take part in any of the program. We may not even get to take any pictures. The goal is just to blend in and take our cues from the Russians. Oh, Lord, open these doors! Thank you for praying with us! We will go to the orphanage at 3:00...which is about 2 AM your time. We will have a report for you when you wake up tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Hi team,

    How well I remember this orphanage and the many children who reside there. I looked back on some of our pictures from last year. What an opportunity serve.
    I do hope that all went well today. God can surely turn the heart of a Director.
    I am praying for Jenni's health .
    God's strength is made perfect in weakness.
    How did poor martyr mother megan sleep last night on the Queens old bed? Have a great evening
