HBC Summer Missions Team in Russia!

HBC Summer Missions Team in Russia!
Summer Camp Team!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

From Camp

We arrived in Tambov Saturday morning and departed right away for camp. New Year’s Eve was spent in a party with the camp staff and their families. We played Twister (pictures to come), Dutch Blitz, and Mexican Trains (a version of Dominoes). To make sure we know we’re in Russia where the theme is “flexibility” Vadim spontaneously asked us to lead samples of camp games during the party. We proved a good time can be had by ages 5-62. The party ended with a Midnight prayer circle and a special cake.

To my delight I got 11 hours sleep after the party–nice after 41 hours of travel from home to camp. Megan and Jen also got a good night of sleep and we’re pretty well adjusted to the 11 hour time difference. Jen has survived asthma attacks triggered by the cat who lives in the building. This cute little black feline has been nicknamed “Satan.”

While we relaxed on New Year’s Day waiting for campers to arrive I committed my first Russian language faux pas for this trip. While Misha (our translator) was not available I asked one of our cooks if a cute 6-year old was her son. I described him by the color sweatshirt he was wearing and unknowingly used an idiom which cast a cloud on his sexual orientation. His mom was very good natured about it, giving me full credit for trying to speak Russian.

We’re learning to sing “What Child Is This?” phonetically with Jenni Myers as our coach. Our debut performance will be at an orphanage in the city of Michurinsk on Thursday.

I’m amazed at the details of planning for games, crafts, and all the logistics of camp. Sasha (regional youth pastor) and his wife Ina, Jenni, Misha and Vadim have put in endless hours.

The first full day of camp (Monday) showed off Megan and Jen’s gifts during games and crafts. They’re worth their weight in gold to make those things happen so the Russians can concentrate on the things only they can do.

The things provided by special gifts from members of the coalition have been HUGE hits. Two donors stepped up to provide ice skates, so twice as many were purchased as first requested. You’ll see pictures when we get internet. The video camera some of you contributed to has been in use constantly since we arrived. By Monday night they had produced a great video of the first day of camp.

We won’t be able to post more blog entries until January 5, after camp and after our first day of Immanuel’s Child events. It took a special trip from camp into the city of Lipetsk to be able to post this entry. Watch for an avalanche of blogs when Megan and Jen get their chance.


1 comment:

  1. Hi All, so thankful that you all make to Russia safely and are adjusting to the time change! Praying for you as you minitry for the Lord.
    Am just getting back to normal life here and now have acess to a computer. So good to catch up with all you are doing! God Bless and Happy New Year!
