So today we wrapped up our activities around the Immanuel ‘s Child work and begin the Antioch class tomorrow. The ladies left this evening by train to Moscow, we were able to share with each other observations, feelings and wishes while 8 of us were huddled in their train cabin. Eight because the send off was attended by of course Jim and I but also Jenni, Misha(our translator) , Olya, and Lera (2 girls from the Tambov church who are particularly attached to Jen and Megan). It was a nice time of reflection on where the ministry is here and how it’s impact affects not only the Russians, but all of us involved with the Antioch Initiative.
On a more micro level I’m happy to have 2 very close friends that I did not have only a week ago and for that I am already grateful. On a macro level, connections and understanding continued to be improved. The Oblast youth director even made a specific invitation to Megan and Jen to please come back and help with other camps in the future. These invitations are not taken lightly, this is sincere, he can see clearly that the work being done enhances what the Russians themselves can do in their position as the lead, when an American team comes along side and fills a strong supporting role.
That will be all for now, It’s already a whole lot quieter around here. BTW, I was instructed by “Mother Megan” to continue posting or else………, so Jim and I will do our best.
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