Hi....I'm back.....
Full day today....just got back from Jar Pizza (fist pump again!!!!). Our team had dinner with Alla, Lera, Jenni, and Misha--okay, if I return....this place is a REPEAT!!! Totally ROCKS!!!!! Love, Love, Love!!!!
This place finally afforded me what I have been missing this entire trip--one on one quiet time, the ability to get to know people. I got a glimpse of Alla who is a rather delightful 24 year old girl whose occupation could rather be termed HAIR ART. We would call her a hairstylist in the states but I don't think that it does her trade justice. She truly has a talent weaving hair into incredible pieces of intricate artwork--amazing. I noticed her at camp and spoke to her only a couple of times. She eeks joy...she's full of expression....very vibrant...kinda radiates joy. She has been married to her husband Daniel for one year. Daniel is the artist who crafted our team flag for this year (he requested payment $25.00 play cash--and we gladly paid him). We have negotiated for yet another flag--it will cost the team part of our beef jerky stash(LOL). Alla loves to cook in her free time. What a joy it was to sit and look at her hair portfolio over dinner. She speaks very good English....the level that affords you a conversation without the need to look around desperately for a translator. She told me she remembered me from last year....IT WAS MY HAIRCUT (hee, hee, hee).
Lera is a 14 year old girl who Megan bonded to last year. She's the spunky one I talked about last year with the cool haircut who walked around drinking out of a camera lens cup. When we first arrived at camp this girl screamed when she saw Megan and came running to give her a hug!!! She made sure to tell Jenni she wanted time to sit and talk with Megan and alas here we have our dinner plans. For those of you who are not very familiar with Megan....she can talk a BLUE STREAK....she could make the phone book sound interesting. She is and incredible conversationalist. I'm not sure she has ever met anyone she couldn't talk to. I do not possess this skill and I am often in awe of her!!!!! I need to take a class---social skills 101! I guess this is why we get along so well.....so draws me out!!!! Love you Megan!!!
Megan has just completed her "pack job". I cannot believe we are leaving by train tomorrow?????? Shto??? (translation....WHAT????). It feels like we just got here and things are at least settled down enough (for RUSSIA standards)that I feel like I can THINK??? I have major whiplash! I don't have any idea what just happened to me.
I woke up this morning....EARLY....showered....then snuck downstairs with my BIBLE!!! What a sweet, sweet thing to sit with this book! I can't tell you how much that little black book RESTORES me.....
"In the quiet, in the stillness I know that you are GOD, in the secret of Your presence I know there I am restored!!!! When You call I won't refuse...each new day again I'll choose. There is no one else for me...none but JESUS. Crucified to set me FREE, now I live to bring HIM praise. In the choas, in confusion, I know You're sovereign still. In the moment of my weakness You'll give me grace to do YOUR WILL. When You call I won't delay. This, my song for all my days.......There is no one else for me.....no, none but Jesus. Crucified to set me free....now I live to bring Him praise. All my delight is in YOU Lord. All of my hope and all of my strength FOREVERMORE." These are words from a song that my sweet sister Stephanie sang to me during a time of extreme struggle this year...truth whispered by the Holy Spirit through a humble servant. This song has given me joy repeatedly this trip.
The questions I get brave enough to ask at the feet of Jesus.....OH GOD, where are You???? Right here between the pages child! This book is LIFE TO ME. I have been anchored in it and when I can't hold it and drink its truth in daily I feel an acute physical loss! I need it this MUCH. The pace and the noise of the last week has kept me from it until this morning but here I am hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
The Lord knew Goreloye was coming and I needed the calm reassurance that my God was able to meet me at the point of my need, my anxiety.....and He did. I felt differently about this place--can't yet put it to words. I could SEE past the run down building.....I can see these faces a little clearer this time around. Thankful to get a second look--without MY RUNNING SHOES ON!!! Oh God thank you for taking them away from me for a short time this year--it was painful but necessary! You know what is best even when I am kicking and screaming and fighting You every step of the way. How patient You are with me! How incredibly patient! What LOVE....what LOVE...I don't understand it???? I am so incredibly thankful! I am blessed.....BROKEN!
One thing before I go....this morning I was reading about Caleb....how even in his old age he served....at 85 he was still doing some amazing things....
Joshua 14:11
I am still as strong today as I was in the day Moses sent me; as my strength was then, so my strength is now, for war and for going out and coming in.
Where does my strength come from.....You and You alone Lord. Please help me be faithful when I am called. I want to be like Caleb...strong and built for the WAR we are all called to....going into battle....across enemy lines....into dangerous territory....to be a tool the Lord uses to rescue the lost, the wounded, the dead of this world--we have the truth of the gospel.
1 Corinthians 15:3-4
For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures....
I serve alongside some amazing people....I am thankful and blessed by the incredible teaching--Jim, I have the utmost respect for you! You have been gifted with MAD SKILLS...faithful to preach and teach the word of GOD even today in what felt like for me (for you) total chaos.....AMAZING that you could stay focused!!!!! I can see the benefits of walking with the Lord. A trip to Russia is NO SMALL THING...It's painful at 41 years old...wonder what it will wear like at 63....Lord willing I will know.
I'm coming home! Please pray for Megan and I! All the way My Savior leads me--oh, the fullness of His LOVE!
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