Last day! Wow! When we were at camp, it felt like we were trapped in a Russian time warp where the days crept, it's hard to believe that I'm packing to leave!
Another crazy day! It's almost midnight, and we're tired! But the weird thing is that we spend all day propping our eyes open, struggling to have energy for the hectic pace, and then somehow, after all the craziness of the day, we wake up in the evening! Must still be on Boise time...I KNOW I should be asleep right now, but instead I'm drinking tea and having a blog fest with Todd and Jen.
Jim already described my cartoon-style fall outside the church...feet slip-sliding on the ice and landing smack on my back! Awesome! "That's going to leave a mark!"
Thank you for praying for our time at the Goreloye orphanage. One year ago, I had a young orphan boy clinging to my waist, and I promised this boy that I would return. Today, it was almost surreal to be back at the orphanage. I found myself quietly praising the Lord for His faithful provision in allowing me to return. I was scanning the faces and looking for this little face that has been such a recurrent thought in the past year. Then I saw him...attached to Jenni! Laying his head on her shoulder and playing with her hair! It was the BEST moment! Jenni is an absolute celebrity at the orphanage, and it was a beautiful gift to see her tender care for the many orphans who came running to her. I got to be a fly on the wall and just watch! It was like God was giving me the gift of knowing that HE is in control! It was like I was watching HIS hands and feet caring for these orphans. All around me, Russian believers (David, Vadim, Jenni, Gabe, Edward, and others) were visiting with the kids, looking them in the eye, laughing with them, speaking to them in their language! It was the COOLEST to see God's people caring for the orphans. Of course, we Americans were a part of the action: handing out Christmas gifts, taking photos, smiling...but we are the supporting actors...supporting these faithful Russian believers and missionaries in this ongoing ministry. Pray! Pray for the Word of God to spread in this place! Pray for the doors to be open for future visits!
As we were driving back to Tambov after our orphanage visit, Anatoly Pavlovich was thanking our team (and our church family) for our support of the orphanage ministry. We in turn expressed our gratitude for the humbling privilege that it is to watch the Russians so faithfully serve! Anatoly asked that we pray for more workers! In a state the size of Idaho, there are only 550 church members in only nine total churches! That is a number that's almost impossible to comprehend! Everywhere we look, on every street corner, there is such spiritual poverty...entire towns with no gospel witness.
"Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.'" Matthew 9:36-38
Thank you for providing the gifts that lit up the eyes of these children! I'm astonished at the cost of living in Russia. Jenni was explaining that most people live on only a few hundred dollars a month. The pastors do not even receive paychecks and have to find ways to support themselves. (The Russians are very excited about the small business coaching that Todd will be doing this week!) The resources are few, but their zeal is great! We are so blessed to be able to partner with our friends! I am again inspired by these brothers and sisters in Christ!--Megan
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