As Jim noted, we participated in our first Immanuel's Child outreach today.
Thank you to our generous church family for providing the gifts for these orphans.
All of the tags read "Heritage Bible Church!" Larry, do you recognize your little guy in the front?
It was strange to return to the same orphanage and see so many of the same faces. It was a reminder that their life really doesn't change much. The orphanage was decorated with what we would think of as Christmas trees, but Jenni reminded us that these trees are synonymous with New Year's (not Christmas.) She explained that these kids really DON'T know the very simple truths of the Christmas story. Thank you for sharing the hope and truth of the Bible with these children. Please pray that they would come to know the love of Jesus through the repeated planting of these small seeds. It was encouraging to know that some of our friends from winter camp visit these orphans regularly and are building an orphanage ministry.
Bedtime! We appreciate your prayers for stamina over what will be a grueling next few days! Lots of travel. Tomorrow is Russian Christmas Eve, so these next few days will be filled with hectic holiday activity!
What a relief! Perspective Indeed!
ReplyDeleteIt's great to finally hear from you all after several days of silence. Hunter, Hadley, and I have been praying every morning and evening that you are all doing well and having a positive impact for Christ once again. Based on the recent postings it sounds like this year's trip is larger and perhaps more fruitful than last year's. I'm not surprised after witnessing first hand the powerful the connection developed with our fellow Russian believers.
Despite our faith in God's sovereignty, our human minds and emotions occasionally get the best of us and it was such a relief to finally talk to you (Megan) on the phone this morning. We are missing you terribly but time is passing quickly as we go about the daily grind.
I've occasionally regretted not traveling with the team this year, however, I've come to understand what I think might have been the reason for God not really moving me to go (don't read in any weird "God spoke to me" stuff). This past week has really given me an opportunity to realize the importance and beauty of God's design for the family. I have a new respect and compassion for single parents! I know that it's cliched to say that we take our spouses for granted, but during this time apart from mine I've learned a deeper respect for my wife and all that she does for our family. My prayer will be that I can maintain that perspective upon her return.
Lastly, the support here at home has been incredible (was there ever any doubt!?). Grandparents and Aunt's/Uncle's are the next in line for being most under appreciated. Again, a shining example of how families can band together to make service and fellowship possible on the other side of the globe. I am so thankful for them and I know I don't say, or show that enough.
I'll echo Megan's words in a previous blog. The order of the day is PERSPECTIVE....for all of us.
P.S. After hearing your accounts of the sleeping mats I feel compelled to remind you that you've just experienced what I slept on for the entire trip last year!!!!!!
Well, kids are having bedtime cereal and I can't wait to climb into our Inner Spring, Pillow Top, Fresh out of the dryer sheets complete with body pillow....BED. Nighty Night......I know, not fair.
P.S.S. Hadley wants you to know that she has officially learned how to sew tonight and Hunter says he loves you (Megan) and he misses you.
Hi Meg-I tried to comment yesterday but it wouldn't post. ( Rader said it was because I wasn't "allowed") OK...Finally some pictures and info from you campers. Your sleeping arrangements make the fold-out couch in the fifth-wheel look pretty good, eh? My heart is happy when I hear about your activities in Russia with the little kids. Our kids are blessed with loving families, church, and ready access to Christ and the gospel. I'm glad you are there in Russia to help those little children.
ReplyDeleteHadley learned to "sew" last night. OH MY WORD, I have created a Frankenstein sewing "machine" and I don't mean the mechanical kind! She must be related to the rest of us strong-minded women....she did not want to stop, at all. Tonight Hunter and I are going to do some leather-working. (PIZZA NIGHT...YES!)
Rader is doing a great job. After the first day of school, he asked Hadley if her teacher thought she was a little ragamuffin with no "cute" hairdo. Hadley said" no, I just got a lot of something called "good jobs" at school." Whatever that means. We are missing you, but things are going ok here. I think Rader really misses you. After the first night, he said he REALLY missed you. Can hardly wait to see you on Monday night. Be safe. We love you. Mom