HBC Summer Missions Team in Russia!

HBC Summer Missions Team in Russia!
Summer Camp Team!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Off and Running, Final Phase

Here are two more pictures from our cultural experience as guests in the home near Morshansk. Misha wanted his pelmeni dry (no broth) and added a dollop of mayo on each one. Jen had it traditional style (with broth) and discovered it doesn't float her proverbial boat. After she discreetly handed off the ones in her bowl she said quietly "there's still the one I'm holding in my mouth." The soft voice and unusual tone conveyed volumes. She managed to ingest it without provoking a gastronomical incident or an international crisis. Well done, Jen!

I finished the first day of class today, laying a foundation from the book of Titus. Lord willing on Tuesday we'll build on that foundation to get into serious conversations about the difficulties facing some of the churches here. Please pray for what could be the most significant class yet, or the biggest bust I've achieved on a different continent.

Tonight (Monday) Todd has been in meetings with Russian brothers who are involved in or want to be involved in small businesses to support their families, their pastors, their churches, and the evangelistic work in the oblast. It's been three hours now, so a lot must be happening. Watch for him to post about it later.

Breaking news . . . Todd just walked in. Sounds like our prayers are being answered for helping the business desires of our brothers. Several more meetings are planned for the rest of the week.


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