So, I'm in this LOUD sea of children, just trying to take in the scene. This little boy sees that I'm taking photos and he stands right in front of me for his photo. Another boy runs up, to get in the picture too. Then, this boy turns around and with a mean curse and SHOVE! He pushes the other kid out of the photo! Then he turns back to me for his moment in the spotlight. I'm kind of taken aback by the angry response to the other child, and then I realize that this little boy has had to FIGHT for attention for his whole life. There's not a moment of his life where he's had a mom's lap all to himself, or a dad's focused attention. He wants his OWN photo!
He wants to feel special!
Todd and I were talking about how these kids have been "warehoused." They've been discarded and rejected because in Russian culture, they have nothing to offer. It's painful to see, and there's really nothing we can do to change it.
For this one afternoon, this one little while, these kids had the focused attention that says, "You matter. We care about you." And we pray that it's not just on Christmas day, but that the orphanage doors would be open to continued ministry. It really just feels like a drop in the bucket compared to the life these kids live every day, and yet, we serve a God who knows each and every child! A God who is in the business of transforming lives, one heart at a time! A God who cares about the orphan. May this child be the one. The one who finds hope in Jesus Christ!
Really, we can't know the impact of this one day, this one gift, this one mission trip. God knows. May we be counted faithful to continue reaching out one by one. To faithfully share His love, hope, and truth to those He places near us.
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