Now, here's a motley crew! Jen's cracking up about how she had her pants rolled up. I didn't discover that I had a giant hole in the armpit of my sweater until about halfway through the day when one of the kids told me. The girl in the pony tail (me) also hasn't had a shower for a few days because every time she goes to get in, the water has already run cold. I'm just not that desperate yet. This picture is a debut of our "Tee Ha Ya Noach." The people seemed to really like our attempt to sing their language.
One of my favorite memories from the day was sitting down in the church dining room together on Christmas Eve. We were talking about how God has drawn us close together as a group and how we've gotten to know one another in ways that we never imagined. We are changed in ways that we can't express, other than through tears. We even got tears out of one of our guys at the table (no names mentioned). It is an amazing gift to be known as you are (holes and all) and to be loved.
Thank you to our family and friends for loving us, praying for us, and serving so that we can be here. We LOVE getting your comments on the blog. (Thank you, Amanda! for the most recent one.) We miss you all so much, but we wouldn't trade this experience for anything! Delirious and delightful!
P.S. Tonight was our thirteenth church service in six days! No wonder God is working on us so much! The best/worst part is when three of us got the giggles during one of the sermons. Let's just say, that when you get the giggles with your PASTOR during a sermon, you have reached a whole new level of friendship.
OK Megan - now you know what it's like to be "holey" here on earth. You can do the shower thing've gone longer without one when we've been camping. Jen looks like she is about 10 years old; Larry is concentrating on getting the words wrong; Rader has the whole thing memorized, and is connecting with the audience; Jim is getting all the words right, and Meg doesn't want the sweater hole to show. GREAT picture, but I can't see any smiles..maybe the audience is smiling. It was so GOOD to talk to you this morning (your night). Here at home I have a roast on, the house smells like garlic and onions (really good) and the kiddies are at school for another hour and a half. We miss you but know that you are indeed having a life-changing experience. When you are away from home, and you have 4 other friends with you, you do bond in a very deep way. Take care of each other. I love the blogs!! I check the site often to see if anything new has been posted. Love to all. Judy