HBC Summer Missions Team in Russia!

HBC Summer Missions Team in Russia!
Summer Camp Team!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


To God Be the Glory!  Great Things He has done.

Mother - I love you.  I blogged yesterday that I have needed you so many times on this trip--you are my processor--you are my word perfect.  God, in His providence sent you along--meet Megan.  From the very start she and I were processing.  Walking and talking together.  Marching the terminal in Chicago, Megan and I got real about one thing--a very private thing--I will not elaborate.  It was the catalyst to other very REAL conversations to come.  My mother is a jewel--she allows me to download without a filter.  I can tell her anything.  Megan allows me to talk freely.  My mother is messy and extremely creative--Megan is too.  Should I be telling you all this--I think yes because I SEE her.  My mother and I get in each others way sometimes--Megan and I did too.  Here is what I love about these two women---we could TALK about it.  We could address it.  I can't write everything down that I want to say -- somethings are just known between to people and blogged in the archives of the mind and no one else needs to see or know about them.  But know this Megan--you have been home to me this week--like a comfortable pair of fleece P.J's.  As it is with me and my mom--I'm gunna miss you when you leave next week.

Que WATER WORKS!  I am crying again.  Dangit!  I was doing pretty good today.


  1. Jen and Megan,
    I have been praying for you diligenly and think often of you both. I am so amazed by your strength and beautiful words to share about your journey. Now I have begun the water works. I am truly blessed to have you both in my life.
    Love your sis and friend,

    P.S. Looking forward to a family reunion.

  2. Cousin, you are now making ME cry at work. :)
    Prayers and love!

